Books & Curriculum Cassie Shepherd Books & Curriculum Cassie Shepherd

Heart Education

As the famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle, proclaimed thousands of years ago…“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” But, what exactly is heart education? And how can we strive for it in our homes?

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Books & Curriculum Cassie Shepherd Books & Curriculum Cassie Shepherd

In November

We read more in November. The cooler weather and the first snow storms begin to tuck us in for the winter. Today I’m sharing some of our favorite books to read this time of year. But, first I wanted to chat a little bit about home libraries and why collecting seasonal books have become important to us.

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Books & Curriculum Cassie Shepherd Books & Curriculum Cassie Shepherd

Preschool 2022-2023

I have a bunch of things on hand for pre-school because at this age children are so eager to learn. We love to rotate between a few different resources so here are some of my favorites I am pulling from for 2022-2023.

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Books & Curriculum Cassie Shepherd Books & Curriculum Cassie Shepherd


We loved our Zoology unit from Elemental Science. At first, I was hesitant to study animals for an extensive amount of time, but my twin girls and pre-schooler soaked it up and I am surprised by how much fun we had.

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Books & Curriculum Cassie Shepherd Books & Curriculum Cassie Shepherd

Christmas School 2021

I wasn’t quite sure the direction I wanted to head this year for Christmas School, but once I sat down and started to look at what we had, it all came together so nicely and we’re really excited for the next few weeks! We will be taking a break from all our other subjects and units and just focusing on all of these areas.

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