Devotionals 2022-2023

Morning devotionals have become near and dear to my heart. This time is short and sweet, yet I feel it always makes this biggest difference in our days. Routinely we wake, eat breakfast, get ready for the day and then begin our devotional. We gather, sing a hymn to invite the spirit, read a poem, and have a short spiritual message. This message often aligns with our current scripture or unit study. And, this year we’re going to be more intentional about adding in some art study with our RHH materials and The Story of Jesus from The Mindful Heart. Then, we say the pledge and pray. Over the years, I have pulled from a variety of things for our devotionals and for a more detailed post with suggestions, see Morning Devotionals.

This year, I am keeping things really simple so that we can be more intentional with what we have.

  • Sing A Song A Season: This is a beautiful book my kids and I absolutely love. It has a short poem to read each day. It coordinates with seasons and holidays and we do it right after our hymn.

  • RHH Illustrated Stories and Table Posters: These are available in the weekly subscription kits and align with our study of the Old and New Trastament. We almost always use the illustrated stories on Monday or Tuesday mornings so my kids learn the story of what is going on in the scriptures first and then pull from the table poster through out the week. Each week, we print the table posters back-to-back and keep them in this clear acrylic table stand so we can pull from each side. Because it’s out and I rotate it weekly, my kids read this independently at random times through out the week too.

  • Latter-day Kid Videos: We usually almost always watch the most recently released weekly Latter-day Kids videos.

  • The Friend: We subscribe to The Friend magazine and we usually read from this a few times a month. This is great for my younger boys too.

  • Dear Divine Daughter: This book is beautiful and highlights 34 women from the Bible. So we can just talk about one of these women once a week. I bought it mostly with my girls in mind. This year there will be a few days my boys may not be with us for devotionals so it will be a good time to do something just for the girls. I love how the last page is blank so that you can add in a picture of your daughters and record their story as divine daughter of God. (Right now, this book looks cheaper at Deseret Book).

  • The Story of Jesus: This has quickly become my very favorite book of stories on Christ’s life and we haven’t used it since Easter, so I am going to be really intentional about using it this next school year. The artwork in here is absolutely stunning and the writing is beautiful. It’s just one of the most books you know you’ll love forever. This year I want to read one story a week until we work through the whole book.

Please visit my IG, for a flip through of this material.

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