Christmas School 2021

I wasn’t quite sure the direction I wanted to head this year for Christmas School, but once I sat down and started to look at what we had, it all came together so nicely and we’re really excited for the next few weeks! We will be taking a break from all our other subjects and units and just focusing on all of these areas.

For our morning time and devotionals I really wanted to keep the focus on Christ and spend time in our Christ-centered advents. We have two that we use. The daily devotional guide and book from 25 Days of Christmas and the beautiful artwork and scripture from Christ Was Love. We’ll also be working on Light The World during this time. And, we have a TON of Christmas books we’ll also be using. But, if I were to narrow down my favorites — Silent Night, Holy Night (for older children) Tale of the Three Trees, See Christ in Christmas and this one is my very favorite.

For the twins, we will be spending most of our time doing activities from Little School of Smith’s An American Girl Christmas. We’ve been learning about US History this year so it fits in perfectly to learn more about how people celebrated Christmas in different cultures and time periods.

I almost didn’t have it in me to do a pre-school shelf, but I am SO glad I did, because it ended up being one of my favorite shelves to put together. I had a list of units already on hand and wanted to combine some of our other yearly traditions into the activities so I paired some mini units with some of our favorite Christmas picture books. Each activity/book is wrapped up and we can unwrap and work through everything each day until Christmas. I mixed in a few things for my older girls in here too. Below is a list of a lot of the things in the gift boxes. I don’t have everything in every unit, but just selected what I thought we’d use. A lot of the items are free.

That’s it! Happy December and Merry Christmas!


Gift and Supply Guide


Give Thanks to the Lord