Valentine Books

Over the years we have done some fun things for Valentines! A few years ago we did this fun Valentine learning shelf. And each year we try to have a little Valentine party with friends…which we’ll be doing again this year. I don’t have a huge collection of Valentine books - and we’ve read most of them already and it’s still January, ha! But, it’s enough that I don’t have to make an extra trip to the library and my kids love them. Here’s a list of some of our favorites if you’re looking to add a few more to your collection or library list.

  • Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch Everyone knows this one, don’t they? This is MY favorite Valentine book from my childhood and I make sure to tell my kids that every time we read it. :)

  • Love Monster and the Last Chocolate This is such cute book with a great message about friendship and sharing.

  • Heartprints: This is another favorite that teaches kindness can be spread by doing nice things for others and we leave behind little “heart prints” when we serve others.

  • Click, Clack Moo I Love you! This is one of my favorites for the early years. There are some fun literary pull-ins to this if you’re looking for some themed unit materials.

  • Guess How Much I Love You Another classic and one my pre-schooler is loving on repeat right now.

  • God Gave Us Love: A simple picture book to remind us about the Lord’s love for everyone.

  • Happy Love Day Daniel Tiger For Daniel Tiger fans, this was probably one of my twin’s most read books when they were little. It was one of those ones we read all year long and is falling apart because they loved it so much.

  • There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Rose I think we have almost every book in this series. Definitely my Kindergartner’s favorite right now.

This month I also wanted to focus more on fairytales! We are trying to incorporate daily/weekly stories from The Grimm Collection, but I think these are also fun to focus on during the month of February. Any other favorite’s you’d add to this list?

Happy February! Here’s a few pictures from year’s past….


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