The Old Testament

Come Follow Me 2022

On this page you’ll find an index of posts that may help aid in your use of scripture study for you and your family for our year long study of The Old Testament. These resources are primarily directed to those who share my faith in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints because each year, beginning in January, we study the same material as a world-wide church. We rotate through the different books of scripture and this year our focus is in The Old Testament. You’l find many of the items can be used in a general Christian community, but like all curriculums, there may be some things you’d want to adjust to fit your own beliefs.

As I was compiling my thoughts and a few general suggestions, every thought I had came back to one common theme: the only way you can truly cater to what is best for you and your family is to seek the guidance of the Spirit. He is the ultimate teacher and it is essential to invite him to be apart of all that you do. What scripture study looks like will widely vary in every home and that is the way it is supposed to be. The resources I share and things I exemplify here are meant to inspire and motivate others. As you work through this material, if there is an answer you’re seeking and don’t come across, please feel free to message me. Serving a faith-community brings me immense joy and I seek to be an instrument in the Lord’s hands to convey His messages. Plus, I often learn so much from others and I have often found my own answers in other’s questions or comments. Being surrounded by like-minded mothers is powerful and something we all need and my door is always open.

We use a variety of tools to aid in our studies. Occasionally, I hear comments that we should make sure to stick to the CFM curriculum because it is issued by the church. In the cover of Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families it addresses this - “Come, Follow Me For Individuals and Families is not meant to replace or compete with other good things that you are doing. Follow the Spirit’s guidance to determine how to approach your own study of the word of God.” It also says we don’t need to stick to the suggested study - it is just simply there to be a guide. Over the last few years I have pulled from a variety of resources and there is a natural evolution on how we utilize the tools around us because we change and our families spiritual and intellectual development changes. Being flexible and adaptable is key. I’ve discovered how simply beauitful it is that we can study from multiple resources - like the CFM curriculum, Don’t Miss This, or Shannon Foster’s written notes and even though the selection of scripture we’re all studying is the same - we may pull different thoughts and conclusions simply by how the materials are presented or how the Spirit speaks to us at that time. We will read a scripture one week and it’ll mean nothing at that moment in time. But, a few weeks or years later, we will revisit it and it’ll mean something completely different. The words never change, but we do and this also holds true for our children. This is why it is so critical to keep the constant influence of the Spirit. He is truly the only one who can personalize your experience and help you know how to support your families spiritual and intellectual growth.

Here are a few links you may find helpful going into our study of The Old Testament. On a number of the pages I have tried to include what has worked for us in the past, what is working for us now or what I hope to be better at this year and other tips and suggestions.


Scripture Study Caddy


Gift and Supply Guide